Exclusive: US to train and arm terrorist responsible for Wultz murder

I'm sure many of you also recall the murder of 16-year old American Daniel Wultz from Florida (pictured, top left) HY"D (may God avenge his blood) in a Tel Aviv suicide bombing in April 2006. You may recall that a 'Palestinian' terror leader referred to Wultz as "the best target we can dream of."
Within a few weeks, a new American-run 'training course' is starting in Jericho. One of the 'students' is going to be a member of the terror cell that pulled off that suicide bombing in Tel Aviv in April 2006 and murdered 16-year old American Daniel Wultz. Here's what I was told in an email received this afternoon:
There's a new US-led, US-funded training course coming up within a few weeks in Jericho. It's for the "official" Pal. security services. One of those in attendance is a member of the Al Aqsa Martyr's cell that did the Passover bombing in 2006 that killed American Daniel Wultz.As some of you may recall, the suicide bombing in which Daniel Wultz was murdered was carried out by a cell led by Nasser Abu Aziz, who is the number 2 in the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and the main deputy of Ala Senakreh, the overall chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the West Bank. Senakreh is based in the Balata refugee camp in the northern Samaria town of Nablus. As was noted in the article linked above,
So, in effect, the US is training one of the terrorists responsible for the murder of an American just last year.
- Further: the US is sending gear, including assault rifles, to Jericho within a few weeks. Numerous members of Al Aqsa will receive the weapons (as they will receive them in their Force 17 or PSS [Preventive Security Services. CiJ] roles). Again, one of those to receive the weapons is the member of Al Aqsa who belongs to the Passover bombing cell and will be training in Jericho.
Aziz's group is suspected of directing all suicide bombings in Israel the past three years together with Islamic Jihad, including the Tel Aviv attack that killed Wultz and nine others. Although Islamic Jihad and the Brigades took joint credit for the Tel Aviv attack, Brigades sources told WND their group directed the suicide bombing, supplying the bomber and infiltrating him into Tel Aviv. The sources said Islamic Jihad provided the explosives belt as a symbolic act so the terror group could also take part in the attack.So if my source could find out that a member of Aziz's cell (not Aziz himself - I asked that question) is going to be part of this training course, why can't the CIA? Or if the CIA has figured it out, why don't they care? We're not talking about someone who committed an act of terrorism in the pre-Oslo period. We're talking about someone who was part of a group that murdered ten people, including a 16-year old American, in April 2006.
If I'm Tuly Wultz (Daniel's father) and I see this post, I'd be on the phone to my Representative and Senators immediately. In fact, all of you in the US should be on the phone to your Representatives and Senators immediately. This is outrageous!
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