Al-Aqsa terrorist caught with ammunition and released

An al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades terrorist who was caught with large quantities of bullets being smuggled from Jenin to Shchem (Nablus) on Wednesday night was released when it was discovered that he was
one of the 178 Fatah terrorists who were
granted 'amnesty' by the Olmert-Barak-Livni government.
The incident in question occurred last night at 8:30 p.m. Jerusalem time when the Israel Defense Forces stopped what security sources said were four suspicious Palestinians entering the al-Badin checkpoint outside the northern West Bank city of Nablus.
Two Palestinians were immediately let go when it was determined they were civilians, but the two others – known Brigades members – were detained after they were found to be carrying large quantities of bullets security sources said were being smuggled from the city of Jenin to Nablus.
According to security sources, the Brigades members normally reside in Nablus and had left the city and purchased the bullets in Jenin. They were captured upon trying to reenter Nablus. In line with the amnesty agreement, the one terrorist on the list had pledged to restrict his movements and remain in Nablus. The sources said the listed militant told the IDF repeatedly he was on Israel's amnesty list and that arresting him would "blow up" relations with the PA.
After consulting with superiors, the IDF released the Brigades member on the amnesty list but arrested the other gunmen.
The IDF has confirmed the incident:
"We make our arrests in accordance with the directives of the political echelon and the different agreements with the PA," said an IDF spokesperson.
An Israeli security official told WND this isn't the first time Brigades members granted amnesty violated their agreement to refrain from terrorism. He said the military is aware of one incident last month in which a Brigades gunman on the list shot at Israeli forces.
"We now have a situation in which a terrorist organization has been given a get-out-of-jail-free card – literally," the official fumed.
I guess that now we understand what a 'Palestinian diplomat' was told by a government representative:
"Olmert's team told us they will not look into the disarming process with a microscope for single problematic cases. They said they will look at the macro not the micro level. Israel said if some wanted guy was still acting (committing attacks against Israel), they won't explode everything just for that," said the diplomat, speaking on condition his name be withheld.
So what will 'explode' this madness and release the IDF to go back to protecting Israelis from terror? My guess is only a mega terror attack, God forbid. Or new elections.
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