Breaking: 'Palestinians' kidnap BBC reporter in Gaza

A BBC reporter was kidnapped Monday in Gaza City, a senior Palestinian security official said.There goes another convert to Islam.
Palestinian security officials said four armed men in a white Subaru kidnapped a reporter who threw a business card on the street that identified him as Alan Johnston of the BBC.
The BBC bureau chief in Jerusalem, Simon Wilson, said his news network had lost contact with Johnston, but Wilson could not immediately confirm a kidnapping.
Palestinian security sources said a car was found abandoned near Johnston's Gaza City apartment. Police found the lease of the rental car, which stated the vehicle was rented to the BBC.
I know: let's give them a
Hamas has confirmed the kidnapping:
In Gaza City, a spokesman for Hamas condemned Johnston's abduction.ROTFL!
"We call on these criminal groups to stop this destruction of our reputation and to let this journalist free," he told The Associated Press.
Alan Johnston is actually a long-standing
The most Toxic Avenger since the reassignment of Orla Guerin to the African Delta will have the opportunity to experience a week in the life of Corporal Shalit or maybe a week in the life of the converted Fox crew. In time everyone who comes near the land of the Philistines gets hurt. It has been like this since time immemorial. Even the great Napoleoon Bonaparte got bruised badly losing many of his boys getting sick in Jaffa. This time he can finally become a true Muslim. After all, for three years this certified antisemite- an honorary grad of the Goebbeles school of journalism has been serving the Islamist cause paid for by the overcharged British rate payers. When he hi-fives his captors after the press conference in which he will undoubtedly thank his captors for the misunderstanding where will he go to recover? The country he loved to hate. This is where the nearest airport to London offers two daily flights to the cold winter of London!
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