About Me
- Name: Carl in Jerusalem
- Location: Jerusalem, Israel
I am an Orthodox Jew - some would even call me 'ultra-Orthodox.' Born in Boston, I was a corporate and securities attorney in New York City for seven years before making aliya to Israel in 1991 (I don't look it but I really am that old :-). I have been happily married to the same woman for thirty-five years, and we have eight children (bli ayin hara) ranging in age from 13 to 33 years and nine grandchildren. Four of our children are married! Before I started blogging I was a heavy contributor on a number of email lists and ran an email list called the Matzav from 2000-2004. You can contact me at: IsraelMatzav at gmail dot com
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Previous Posts
- Live video blog of Temple Mount construction?
- Islamic Jihad says it will support the PA 'unity g...
- Teaneck: Put your money where your mouth is
- 'Education' doesn't work in ethnic conflicts
- Hamas to media: Keep your critiques to yourselves
- A new low for self-hating Jews
- Hezbullah demands seized weapons from Lebanese Army
- Former Gush Katif resident and terror victim award...
- Islamic school in London admits to using textbook ...
- French UNIFIL troops complain of abuse by Lebanese...
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