The 'first grandmother'

Only in the debased culture of the 'Palestinians' would people
express pride in a grandmother committing suicide, as Fatma Najar did yesterday. In every other culture in the world, people would weep at the deranged mind that would do such a thing. Not among the 'Palestinians'....
Palestinian sources said the terrorist was identified as 57-year-old Fatma Najar, claiming she was sent on the suicide mission by Hamas.
Her family said she had nine children and nearly 30 grandchildren. She was the first known Palestinian grandmother to attempt a suicide bombing against Israelis.
"I am very proud of what she did. Allahu Akbar (God is greatest)," one of her sons, Fuad, 31, told Reuters.
On a video released by Hamas, the woman read out a statement saying said she wanted to dedicate her death to Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails and to Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas.
She wore a black suicide belt and had an M-16 assault rifle slung over her neck.
"I offer myself as a sacrifice to God and to the homeland," she said.
I hope she's not expecting seventy-two virgins....
When I read about this incident yesterday, all it did was reinforce my belief that the Palestinians simply "don't get it."
Seems to me it's real simple. Quit attacking Israel and they will quit shooting back at you. It ain't rocket science.
Torah says we are not to be gleeful for the death of our enemies, however Torah also says that sub-human murderering bastards like haman (and others) are not of the children of g-d...
that being said..
one less ugly fat puss filled bitch is dead...
I am still convinced that it is going to get worse before it gets better.
it's going to get worse for the islam world, since they have been doing all they could fro decades to murder jews they cannot do more, however they are now turning thier knives inward..
look to baghdad to set the pace for arab on arab behavior....
naftali said...
Hi, What is occupation.
I do not think the Torah says anything to that effect.You are probably referring to the statement in Avos.And that statement refers to Jewish enemies.The term "enemy" in the Chumash thats mentioned in connection with the Mitzva of helping to load/unload a faltering donkey undoubtedly refers to a Jew,as per the legal definition of that Mitzva.
Actually i was thinking of the Passover story and how the jews were to feel about the killing of the Egyptian soldiers.
However I do believe there was one small exception, GENOCIDAL killers of the jewish people.
naftali said: So be happy :-)
I have a sadness to watch what is becoming of the islamic & arab worlds. Hoever I do realize that they have brought this upon themselves. They have embraced baal, they have embraced child sacrifice, they have embraced jew hatred... and they have have grown this hatred til now it will comsume them.
I am tired, i wish not to be a killer, however I thank the arab/islamic world for doing what I wish not to do. They will eat thier young, they are now eatting thier old, and they have wasted thier people on stupidity.
darwin is speaking... let's listen..
ah i hear it...
the fake people palestine are fading from view...
in one thousand years the palestines will be remember as the incas, without science, art, music, culture or building ability...
just deceased murderers,
oh... and the Jews? Still will be around
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