Pigs can fly! Ahmadinejad's call to destroy Israel draws French condemnation

Yes, Virginia, pigs can fly.
Just three days after saying that Iran is a 'respected player in the Middle East, which is playing a stabilizing role,' French foreign minister Phillipe Douste-Blazy was forced to eat his words today.
According to Al-AP, France's foreign minister condemned Ahmadinehjad's comments today, saying Iran is ruining its chances to play a positive and stabilizing role in the Middle East.
"I totally condemn these words," Philippe Douste-Blazy said on France-Inter radio, saying they were "absolutely unacceptable on anyone's part, especially from a head of state."
The crisis had presented an opportunity for Iran to "show that it can play a positive and stabilizing role in the region," Douste-Blazy said, adding that Ahmadinejad's statement "confirmed that this is not the case."
And pigs can fly:

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