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Monday, May 23, 2011

We answer to a Higher Authority

Hmmm (Hat Tip: Gershon D).

Maybe someone should tell Obama.


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At 1:40 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Israel's Jews certainly don't answer to Tom Friedman.

Its ironic a non-Jewish Italian journalist, Giulio Meotti, understands the Middle East far better than the American Jew Tom Friedman!

Jews who don't get it are far more dangerous than non-Jews who do get it.

The Middle East is a world filled with chaos, instability and raw violence and as Barry Rubin has pointed out, most of the Arab World has not seen any real anti-regime or pro-democracy demonstrations.

Its far more likely Tunisia and Egypt's relatively pro-Western Arab regimes will be supplanted by radical Arab nationalist or Islamist regimes - a change for the worse. But when all you can do is blame Israel, the world looks very small, indeed.


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